Anu cracks a US Top 20 business school, Kellogg

With 8 years of work experience, Anu had a tough time convincing the admissions committee that a traditional two-year MBA was the way to go for him. However, he did so successfully.

Anu ended up getting an admit to a US top 20 and an M7 business school, Kellogg SOM.

Anu’s goals story

Anu’s goals story had a good beginning. We identified a few instances and lessons in the story that could be carried forward to the essays to write impactful answers. But his goals, in particular, were quite scattered.

Anu had a very rough idea of the kind of role he wanted to take on right after his MBA. However, it wasn’t a very convincing idea for either Anu or us. His desired role wasn’t even detailed which caused the main issue for us. as an applicant, you can select any short-term goal you wish to. However, the problem arises when your research is lacking the details of the companies that hire in the said role and the schools they hire from.

As long as an applicant keeps in mind their employability post-MBA, the admissions committee will be convinced of their short-term goals.

The goals story becomes crucial especially when the applicant has work experience as long as Anu’s. with 8 years of work experience, Anu required to show the admissions committee that an MBA degree would actually add value to his career trajectory.

With feedback form us and the research material, the next few iterations of Anu’s goals story were truly an improvement over the first one.

Anu’s essay analysis

The first drafts that Anu sent us for his essays were rough around the edges.

Sometimes he would digress and wouldn’t address a part of the question. Other times his research of the post MBA job profile would be very limited. Then there was an essay where his short-term and long-term goals weren’t seamlessly connected.

Another problem in his essays was that he had written very superficial accounts of incidents. He was trying to explain how he had learned that leadership was an important aspect of an organization but hadn’t given the specifics of the incident that then formed his opinion.

When applicants make such generalizations, the impact of their conclusion, in this case, the importance of leadership, gets watered down.

These might look like small issues but would accumulate to create a major red flag in her essay. So, we asked him to go through the entire video library on Interviewninjas before we proceeded with this task.

However, Anu quickly picked up the pace and created great essays using our feedback.

The result? He cracked Kellogg SOM, a US Top 20 business school.


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