MBA Letter of Recommendation Services

You may have realized by now that the letter of recommendation for MBA can be a pretty dicey document. It is an important part of your application process, and technically, you do not have much control over it! Therefore, it is very important that you get professional guidance from a letter of recommendation service (MBA LOR service) that can walk your recommenders through the process and help them in drafting a winning LOR. We provide comprehensive help in various ways to build your LOR for MBA.

Key Attributes of an MBA LOR

Highlights Achievements to Showcase Standout Qualities

A good LOR should provide specific examples that illustrate and highlight the applicant’s qualities such as leadership, teamwork, work ethics, ability to perform under tight deadlines, positive mental attitude, ability to motivate others, presentation abilities, self-awareness and the like. It should describe your achievements and how you made an impact on the organization, thereby standing out among your peer group.

Demonstrates your Commitment to Excellence

It should speak highly of your work ethic and achievements and explain why you are well-suited for a masters of business administration, and how you can excel in your career after that.

Complements your Resume

It should match your resume—for example, where you have described some of your achievements. It should support the narrative of your business school application.

Showcasing Traits Creates Positive Impression

Sincerity, unpretentiousness, modesty, humour, and loyalty are some of the characteristics which will be appreciated by business schools if your recommender can bring out these aspects in the LOR.

Should Provide Realistic Examples of Constructive Feedback

Last but not least, many schools ask recommenders to give examples of situations where they imparted constructive criticism to the MBA applicant. We most often see wishy-washy examples like ‘Oh, he works too hard and does not know how to relax’ and other such ridiculous examples. A realistic example needs to be given of constructive criticism, and how the candidate applied it positively and showed improvement.

Our MBA LOR Services Process

Our MBA letter of recommendation (LOR) process is designed to provide students with the highest quality and personalized recommendations. PythaGURUS works closely with each student to develop a comprehensive LOR strategy tailored to their needs.

1. Creating Recommenders List

To begin with, we help you make a list of potential recommenders based on your career history.

2. Evaluating Engagement Relevance

We then assess the relevance and depth of your engagement with the proposed recommenders, and whether you have enjoyed a healthy professional relationship with them or not.

3. Analyzing Recommenders Background

If the choice of the recommender is found suitable as per the above, we move forward and consider the background of the recommender and the recommender’s ability to build a strong narrative.

4. Sharing MBA LOR Strategies

Once the selected recommenders are on board having agreed to help you with your MBA LORs, we share best strategies with you and your recommenders and give active guidance where required. In brief, your recommender will write this recommendation letter and we will assess the quality of examples and various attributes given by the recommenders; and letter of recommendation writing assistance is given for improving language and flow so that you end up finally with a top-notch professional letter of recommendation for MBA.

FAQs related to MBA LOR Services


1. Who should I get to write the letter of recommendation for MBA?

The ideal recommenders are your current direct supervisors or from the recent past–a person who knows you quite well and would be willing to take out some time to write a detailed MBA recommendation letter that supports your candidature to a business school. The next best choice is an indirect supervisor and if you are self-employed, a client could be your recommender.


2. Is recommendation letter required for the MBA program?

Most top masters of business administration programs require 1 to 3 MBA letters of recommendation. Notably, USC Marshall is an exception and does not require an MBA recommendation letter LOR; SMU Cox asks you to submit 2 names with contact information; and a few other business schools have made it optional if you want to submit it or not.


3. Can MBA recommendation letters be sent after the deadline?

Ideally, you should follow up your recommenders diligently (without becoming a pest!) and ensure that all your MBA LORs are submitted before the deadline. It varies from school to school as to how they view receipt of a late LOR. If a school views it leniently as a situation beyond the control of the MBA applicant, then they may accept it if it is a few hours or a few days late. But it is in your interest to not let any technical ambiguity get in the way of your application process.


4. What is the word limit for an MBA letter of recommendation?

It is important to read the instructions carefully because the word limits and other specific requirements vary from school to school. MBA LOR writers are normally highly experienced writers and can help you a lot with word counts also.


5. What elements should be included in a perfect MBA recommendation letter?

A good recommendation letter gives details of your strengths such as teamwork, leadership, and presentation skills; and examples of how you made an impact, rising above the norm in your appointed duties and stood out among your peer group. It should speak highly of your work ethic and achievements and if possible explain why you are well-suited for an MBA education, and how you can excel in your career after that. To get professional letters of recommendation (LOR), it is essential for you to enlighten your recommender about the process and also refresh that person’s memory about your achievements and where you excelled. Good essay writing companies also have letter of recommendation writers who are adept at making a professional letter of recommendation. A professional letter of recommendation service can be a practical option at times.


6. What are the common MBA Letter of recommendation questions?

The letter of recommendation format for MBA varies from school to school. A number of schools are now using a common LOR devised by GMAC. MBA letter of recommendation questions typically include the following: 1. Please provide a brief description of your interaction with the applicant and, if applicable, the applicant’s role in your organization. (Up to 50 words) 2. How does the performance of the applicant compare to that of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? (E.g. what are the applicant’s principal strengths?) (Up to 500 words) 3. Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response. (Up to 500 words) 4. Is there anything else we should know? (Optional)

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