US Top B School Admit with Full 100% Scholarship

How Vipasha cracked a US Top 10 business school with full scholarship of 1.67 Crores?

When an applicant comes to us with a few demands like a US Top 10 school that too with huge scholarships, we get a little skeptical.

But, after several rounds of conversations, we were confident that we could help Vipasha fulfill this demand that she had placed before us. Thus, we started on her journey of helping her move into a new stage of her professional career.

In the short span of a month, that Vipasha spent with us, we were able to help her create an amazing result.

Vipasha got into Darden, a US top 10 business school, with full scholarship amounting to 1.67 Crores!

The journey started with creating a strong fit between her past in the financial services and making her see how is that very well connected with what she aspires to do in Bain/BCG/McKinsey in the future. Vipasha had three years of work experience as an analyst and had completed B.Tech from IIT in her undergraduate education.

Key things that needed answers were:

  1. How will a US Top 10 Program help her in her transition from financial services to Management consulting?
  2. How was she different from the IIT background applicant pool?

It was important for the US Top 10 programs she was looking at. In this process, she had all the tutorials such as the management consulting encyclopedia at her disposal.

Like any MBA applicant, Vipasha needed to look deeper than just the surface level to get these answers. She was giving answers she thought were enough but we needed to tap into her personality and decision-making process to come up with answers that would be memorable for the admissions committee.

Your application essays should be curiosity-inducing. If you’re, for example, discussing your catin your essays the reader should want to know its name, its favorite toy, and its toilet schedule!

When an applicant gives a very superficial answer to questions like “Why MBA?’, or ‘Why this school?’, it fails in convincing the admissions committee.

Vipasha’s essays made it seem like she wasn’t convinced of her reasons to do an MBA or to choose Darden. Thus, we asked her to go through every word of the tutorials and other resources that were provided to her and introspect to come up with much more personal reasons for her choice of an MBA.

After taking all the feedback into consideration, and many more iterations of the essays, Vipasha was able to produce essays that we were proud of.

The result was a Darden admit with a full-tuition scholarship of 1.67 Crores! Yay!

Vipasha thought a month would be enough to prepare a Rocksolid MBA application. Although we were able to create one for her, we would recommend not pushing your luck and having at least a couple of months for your business school applications.

Here’s a small testimonial from Vipasha:

I received a 100% Scholarship from a US Top 10 MBA Program. Jatin and I started working on my MBA applications in September. Given that I had only 1 month to finish 2 college applications, I didn’t think I will be able to submit a very polished application.

Jatin helped me in everything from making a fabulous CV to refining my essays and applications. The hard work that both of us put into the application helped me get through with flying colors and I don’t think I would have made it this far without his help.


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