
With work experience just shy of 4 years in the tech industry, Sejal profile was one of the most common profiles that a business school receives. She had a 690 GMAT score and came from an engineering background.

With a profile so common, Sejal had to work extra hard to get herself noticed by the admissions committee.

But the effort was completely worth it when she got an admit to one of India’s top business schools, IIM Calcutta.

Sejal goals story

A quick tip: The initial drafts of your Goals or your essay framework will never be perfect. These are just stepping stones to understand your perspective and building the final answers to the essays and the goals story. So, finish them up as soon as possible to make more time for rectification.

Sejal had three-and-a-half-year long experience as an engineer. Her post-MBA function of choice was Investment Banking. When Sejal sent in the first draft of her goals story, we knew she would need to start networking before she could connect the two (engineering past and Investment Banking future) seamlessly together.

She also needed to find a way to not showcase her current profile as a part of the overrepresented engineering applicant pool. Not that she was doing it intentionally, but her style of writing made it seem as if she was unhappy in her current profile. However, we wished to portray that she had made the most of her current job and identified some handicaps that weren’t letting her grow from it.

Also, her long-term goals sounded very theoretical. The details of her motives were very blurred and made her long-term goal seem very plastic and created only for the purpose of submitting b-school applications.

This is important for anyone writing a goals story or essay. Whatever goals you share must be backed up by the reasons you chose the goal, and the result you wish to create through them.

After working on the same with Sejal, the goals’ story she then created was ready to be used for her essays.

Sejal essay analysis

Sejal was a busy applicant. Every year we get a few applicants whose professional obligations take up most of their life and thus they are unable to complete their applications with the sincerity they wished to work with. Our job with such applicants is also to remind them that these MBA applications will be setting the tone for the majority of their careers henceforth.

Sejal quickly understood this and started giving more time, than she was able to give her applications before, to her essays.

Be it her best accomplishment, weakness, or strengths, Sejal answers contained factual information about all of them. while having the facts in an application essay is integral to the essay, so is having a vulnerability and personality.

In order to make sure she was answering every part of the question and not missing out on information, Sejal wrote very robotic essays that laid down all the facts of a situation like the news. Her essays were missing the human touch.

We asked her to take a shot at the questions again. But his time, we asked her to also mention how she felt during the incident she was describing in the essay.

It worked out and Sejal came up with a rock-solid application.

Our hard work paid off when Sejal received an acceptance letter from IIM Calcutta, one of India’s top business schools.


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