How Sushant got accepted to ISB for a 2nd MBA, after being rejected before?

An applicant of ours had already applied to and been rejected by his dream school, ISB, a year before he decided to come work with us. On top of that, he had already done a PGDM course which is an MBA equivalent diploma course.

Despite these roadblocks, we were convinced this applicant, Sushant had a lot of potential and created an amazing result with him.

Sushant finally got into his dream school ISB, one of India’s top schools.

Sushant’s goals story

The second roadblock with Sushant’s application was that his goals story lacked correlation between his present and his future aspirations. He needed to join the dots and create a clear image for the admissions committee in regards to his career trajectory.

He needed to know his short-term goals and how ISB would add value to his current skills in order for him to reach his goals. He needed to begin networking for this.

We begin applicants on networking as soon as they are done preparing a rough draft of their goals. This gives them enough meat to come up with the relevant questions for their networking exercise and also gives them a good idea about how to approach their essays for each school.

The same happened with Sushant. He reached out to various alumni members and even attended MBA fairs. However, networking is a lengthy background process and one can sometimes get important information throughout the process.

Sushant’s essay analysis

Sushant was a re-applicant to ISB, thus showing that he had grown since the last time applied was our first priority. We could not afford to let Sushant make the mistakes that he might have made before.

His AHA moment in an ISB essay was pretty drab. The impact and significance were not even close to what we wanted it to. Thus, we decided to explain his AHA moment to the admissions committee at ISB.

For example, if an applicant says I realized I wanted to switch careers to consulting when my friend told me about the types of projects he handles, he needs to explain why certain projects were intriguing for him/her.

After a lot of back and forth, we decided on a final version and went with it.

The result was Sushant cracked his dream school, ISB, after despite all his roadblocks.

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