Nikhil cracks Richard Ivey and Rotman

Here’s the story of how Nikhil cracked Richard Ivey and Rotman with just a 700 GMAT score.

Nikhil’s goals story

The major issue that Nikhil was facing while writing his goals story was answering the question “Why this school?”. the only response that Nikhil had to this question was a brochure response. It is a response which you will be able to find in a school’s brochure if you read it thoroughly.

To truly write a response that would be unique, and would convince the school of the effort put in by Nikhil, he needed to start networking. after providing the Networking guide to Nikhil, and running a couple of mock calls to get him accustomed to the process, we asked Nikhil to start networking before anything else.

Nikhil was networking with the current students and the alumni of his target schools. He needed the inside scoop. He could have easily found five or more reasons to attend his target schools but he needed to find very exclusive and unique reasons that can only be divulged by people who have experienced the business school firsthand.

With both of these research topics taken care of by networking, Nikhil’s goals story was forming amazingly. Now was the time to start deriving the essay answers through these goals.

Nikhil’s essay analysis

Nikhil had some good points in his essays, similarly to his goals story. The first thing missing was examples. He had stated his opinions and findings over the years but hadn’t stated the moments that had made him reach those.

Some parts of his essay also came out irrelevant. To Nikhil, while those reasons or facts would have made sense in connection to his goals, there was no context to explain it to the reader. He had also mentioned things about the school for the ‘Why MBA?’ part of the essays, but not mentioned how those things were related to his goals.

Here’s his story in his own words.

I have 4+ years of full-time work experience in online marketing with a top US-based MNC and 5+ years of part-time work experience in my family venture in the Arts and Crafts industry. Throughout the last 6 years, I have displayed immense leadership and teamwork skills in numerous community/ social initiatives with an international organization. My GMAT score also seems fine. Do you think it’s enough? Not Really!!!! The answer lies in the thick layer between your country’s applicant competition pool and the expectations of the b-school admissions team.

I have often heard in many admissions seminars/b-schools connects that ‘Be Yourself – We recruit people NOT profiles. I tried to ‘Be Myself’ last year but I couldn’t come out as a strong candidate in front of Admissions Teams and couldn’t convert any of the 10 b-schools I applied to. Reasons were – my GMAT score is average, my peers have submitted stronger essays, and my career goals weren’t that airtight. It’s very important to articulate our thoughts and show a strong connection between our past, present, and future. It’s even more important to show that my employability post MBA exists. This is where the PythaGURUS Team came in.

PythaGURUS ensured that I represent myself in the BEST possible way and showcase the picture that I am a good FIT for the class and have a good employability post MBA. The results speak for themselves – I converted my first 2 b-schools – Richard Ivey School of Business and Rotman School of Management.

To all the prospective candidates reading my above note, just go ahead and trust them; they will MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU!


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