Applicant with 4 years of work experience cracks Canada’s #1 business school, Rotman

With 4 years of work experience as an engineer, Ritesh decided it was time to take his career to the next level with an MBA. He decided to employ our help to navigate the MBA application process and we are proud to share the result he created with you.

Ritesh successfully cracked Rotman, Canada’s #1 business school.

Here’s his MBA journey.

Ritesh’s goals story

Ritesh’s initial goals story was quite cheesy, to be honest. He was being idealistic which is the first approach of many MBA applicants. During your MBA applications, do not forget that the admissions committee is made up of humans. They won’t buy any BS you’ll try to sell them. They are aware of how the world works so don’t try to hide any flaws from them.

Instead, the better approach is to own up to incidents from your life and share your lesson from those incidents. That being conveyed, we could move forward with Ritesh’s goals.

His expression in his goals story lacked vision. It lacked the vision of what real-life issues Ritesh would face in the roles he was wishing to take on post-MBA. He needed to tell the admissions committee about what skills he lacked that only an MBA could instill in him to take on his dream job.

What helped Ritesh and could also help you if you’re in a similar situation is networking. He needed the inside scoop. He could have easily come up with five or more reasons to attend his target schools but he needed to find very exclusive and unique reasons that can only be divulged by people who have experienced the business school firsthand.

Thus, networking with students who were currently studying at Rotman or had graduated from the business school. This would help him tell the admissions committee how much their school values to them and how much effort he had put into knowing the school and its community.

Ritesh’s essay analysis

Ritesh had written down his complete goals story in his essay in a chronological order, i.e. he had explained career progress he planned to make every year post his MBA. Whereas, the school wanted to know what impact he wished to create. Like Bill Gates or Larry Page, these schools knew Ritesh would succeed in his professional endeavors if he joined their MBA program, but wished to know how he planned to affect those around him like his industry or his community.

That’s what his essay feedback started with. Ritesh did need a few iterations and feedback to get the perfect essays out, but his dedication to crack his dream school was just amazing.

Working with Ritesh was a great experience and we are super proud of the result this Rockstar created.

Ritesh successfully cracked Rotman, Canada’s #1 business school.

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