Engineering applicant receives $140K in scholarships from Tepper and USC

Jyoti had 6 years of work experience when she came to us as a client for MBA applications. She had worked as an employee and had worked at her own startup as well.

With a great profile, Jyoti lacked the expression which would do justice to her profile.

After working a few months with her, we were able to help this Rockstar candidate get all the elements of her MBA profile just right.

Jyoti received over $140 K in scholarships from two top US business schools, Tepper and USC!

Here’s her story.

Jyoti’s goals story

Jyoti had an interesting profile and we loved it. However, her expression in her goals story was mundane. She had started her career as a software engineer in an organization and after a failed startup, she had moved back to working as an employee again.

She had simply laid out the facts in her goals story. While we wouldn’t suggest going on and on about your past in your goals, it is still important to explain the fears, reservations, professional lessons, etc., that your work experience has taught you.

We wanted Jyoti to produce a very vulnerable account of having to deal with moving back to a job after having led her own startup. And we wanted her to be proud of her startup when she did so.

Addressing your failures and using them as lessons to grow personally and professionally is an amazing trait to convey to an admissions committee.

Jyoti wanted to be a product manager according to her short-term goals and already had an experience of the domain since every entrepreneur is a product manager of sorts. She needed to use her experience of having a start-up and the handicaps she realized she had in that professional role.

After working on about half a dozen iterations, Jyoti finally created a goals story that did justice to her profile.

Jyoti’s essay analysis

Like any MBA applicant, Jyoti needed to look deeper than just the surface level to get answers to the essay questions. She was giving answers she thought were enough but we needed to tap into her personality and decision-making process to come up with answers that would be able to convey her commitment to an MBA and her target schools, to the respective admissions committees.

When an applicant gives a very superficial answer to questions like “Why MBA?’, or ‘Why this school?’, it fails in convincing the admissions committee.

While Jyoti’s essays didn’t make it seem like she wasn’t convinced of her reasons to do an MBA or to choose her target schools, which is a problem many applicants face.

We asked her to go through every word of the tutorials on Interviewninjas and other resources that were provided to her. It would help her introspect and come up with much more personal reasons for the choice of her target schools.

Jyoti really worked hard and dug deep to create the final iterations of her application essays.

Her hard work was rewarded when she received over $140K in collective scholarships from Tepper and USC.

Hear it straight from Jyoti!

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