An applicant with a low GMAT score of 650 cracks a top business school, AGSM

Ajay had 6 years of work experience as an engineer. It didn’t help his profile that his GMAT score was 650. However, the power of a good profile is evident through Ajay’s experience as despite have a low GMAT score, he cracked a top business school.

Ajay received an admit to AGSM (Australian Graduate School of Management).

Here’s his MBA application story.

Ajay’s goals story

Ajay’s first iteration of the goals story was not convincing. He still needed a lot more research to connect his short-term goals to his current work experience.

This is where networking came in.

Ajay didn’t simply need to google for research purposes, it wasn’t enough, he needed to understand the real experiences of people who were currently working in the roles that he wished to pursue post-MBA.

He also had to find out the companies that his target business schools got visited by the most during recruitments. He needed to have an exhaustive list of the organizations that hired for his desired function at his target schools. He found people that had been working in his desired function at these organizations and dedicated his networking calls to find out about their career trajectory at the organization. His job at the moment was to create a blueprint of what his post-MBA job search and career would look like.

That really helped and elevated the way Ajay responded to the question. “What are your short-term and long-term goals post-MBA?”.

Ajay’s essay analysis

Ajay faced a very common applicant’s problem. When reading an essay question, make sure you understand what the school is asking of you. Read the question five times if you need to. Ask your friend what they think the question is asking. Just don’t rush into answering an essay question.

Ajay had written a great answer to an essay question that asked what important issue had he ever changed his mind about. He wrote a detailed story of how his mindset went from a negative to a positive one. And had the school posed that question, we would have loved to move forward with that question. However, they hadn’t. This question was about the change in opinion and not the mindset.

But Ajay was quick to absorb feedback, and he fixed his mistake right away.

Ajay made us very proud when he finally received an admit from AGSM!

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