How Indian Engineer cracked ISB, India’s Top B School?

After working as an engineer for 7 years, Bhaskar generates interest in consulting. This interest slowly grew bigger and made him realize the need of switching his career to the field of consulting.

Although his journey was full of ups and downs, Bhaskar managed to crack India’s top business school, ISB.

Here’s his story.

Bhaskar’s goals story

Bhaskar’s first draft was scratched by him after we gave him a detailed encyclopedia about his short-term goal of consulting. He made major changes to his first draft and produced a better goals story without any feedback. This was a good sign as it meant that feedback would make his final application even better in all respects.

However, his story missed inspiration. Inspiration is not just for the reader of your goals story but also for you. The difference is simple, someone who is inspired to write about an idea will always have a lot of passion and conviction about the same. This is what MBA applications are about, convincing the admissions committee of your reasons to pursue an MBA.

Bhaskar needed to write, not only about the moments that exposed him to Consulting as a career but also the moments that inspired him to take up consulting and make a difference in the industry or the world. He needed to write about what his potential value addition to the consulting industry would be.

As we had guessed, the feedback really helped Bhaskar gain perspective on the kind of goals story he really believed in and that he wanted to represent him in the MBA applications to his target schools.

Bhaskar’s essay analysis

One important thing to note, that we had to instill in Bhaskar as well, is to answer the question that the essay asks. Don’t steer away from the actual answer to the question as that improves your essays by a lot even before someone provides your feedback.

Bhaskar was writing about his background while ISB was only asking about one incident. This is a very understandable mistake to make as applicants would want to provide the school with reasons to select them at as many places in the application as possible. But he understood the point and started figuring out the right instances to answer the various questions.

Another important part about the instances Bhaskar shared in his essays was the narration, his narration did not include the “Why should you care about this incident?” part. While that is okay in normal life, when you allow people to formulate their own opinions and let them derive their own conclusions, you don’t want to do so during MBA admissions.

This uncertainty could play severely against you, and thus Bhaskar also had to rectify this error.

Next came Bhaskar’s ISB interview. The interview was of a conversational tone and was done by newer ISB alumni. They asked no conventional questions and gave nothing away in regards to how the interview was proceeding.

However, it clearly was a great interview as Bhaskar gave us the news that he made it into ISB, just a few days later.

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