Medha Cracked ISB with ONLY 2 Years of work experience

Medha is an inspiration for all the family business applicants who are keen on leveraging a TOP TIER MBA from India to make a strong impact on their businesses, careers, and their future. She took both GMAT and MBA Consulting services with us. While she knew that she had to study in one of the top schools in India, her goals were all over the place just like a lot of Indian applicants applying to top business schools in India or abroad.

Strongly recommended: DO NOT Try this at home!  She did only one school with us and cracked it. I think she was one of the lucky applicants as one school is barely sufficient to have a safe outcome, and I strongly recommend everyone have multiple options.

However, she knew that she wanted to stay in India and ISB was her top priority.

My Key are of concern: She had only 2 years of work experience and was applying to a one-year MBA program that valued people more because of their professional seniority than their accomplishments. I mean, it is important for ISB to have more senior applicants given that it is only an 11-month MBA, and so many things move at such a fast pace in those 11 months that it becomes tough for a fresher or someone with lesser work experience to survive.

While working with Medha, my top priority was to fix her equation of employability –

Past + ISB MBA = Short Term + Long Term Goals

Even though she was very interested in FMCG opportunities post MBA, I was more interested in showing how will ISB MBA add momentum to what she was already upto, and I started approaching the overall story from the perspective of opportunities in expansion of the family business she was already a part of. One month into the goals’ exercises, networking, and essay 2 of ISB, she and I both realized that ISB will indeed add a lot of value to her aspiration to scale up the existing business. The idea was to assess what is missing in supply chains, HR Practices, business plans, etc., and tell ISB how we really know what we are upto.

8 weeks into the process, we got a call for an interview, and after a grueling panel interview, ISB finally said YES to us.

With 2 years of work experience, Medha is one of those exceptional candidates who get to study at TOP Global schools.

It is not the calendar years on your resume that always count. As long as you showcase maturity in what you have done and the transformation you are seeking, schools listen. While I am not suggesting that everyone with 2 years of work experience should apply, I am saying that if you decide to, you need to showcase maturity on your equation of employability

Past + MBA = Short term + Long term goals


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