How Rajat cracked a US Top 25 MBA Program?

Rajat was a marine engineer working in operations for the past 7 years. He walked into our doors with the dream to get admitted to Georgetown University and we couldn’t have been happier to create this amazing result for him.

He got into his dream business school, McDonough, and we wish to share his amazing story with you.

Here’s his MBA journey.

Rajat’s Goals story

Rajat’s goals lacked research, and perspective, he was detailing his goals like most people do. He started with explaining his current job, then talked about his short-term goal, and moved on to talk about how his short-term goal can be met by him doing an MBA.

When writing your goals story, you need to talk about your short-term goals with respect to the kinds of roles and responsibilities that you will be taking on. You also need to elaborate on incidents from the past couple of years that have motivated you to switch to your short-term goals, these are called the AHA moments.

Then you’re supposed to move on to your current handicaps, i.e. the skills or knowledge that you currently lack to perform your short-term goals with complete efficiency. After that comes the part where you must explain how an MBA would help you overcome your current handicaps.

When you add your transferable skills, i.e. the current set of skills that you possess, it creates a smooth transition from your current job to your short-term goal via an MBA.

Rajat was also provided with the necessary research material for his choice of function. That, in turn, helped him understand his current handicaps much better, and list stronger reasons for the question “Why MBA?”

Rajat’s essay analysis

Your biggest enemy while writing business school MBA application essays is vague paragraphs that contribute nothing. It is very easy to get lost in the flow of the story you’re narrating and go beyond the word limit. And it is very hard to then cut down the said essay to the set word limit and not cut out any information.

Applicants find it hard to determine how much detail is necessary and when the details just start taking up unwarranted space in their answer.

This was Rajat’s struggle. Although it was hard at first, Rajat started to get the hang of it in the second iteration of the essay and became perfect by the time we had to submit his application to McDonough.

His excitement to share the news of his admit to Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business was infectious and we loved the result we got to create with him!

Here’s a glimpse of what Rajat thought about his journey with PythaGURUS.

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