Sunu cracked #1 Canadian business school with a GMAT score of 670

If you have been told that your GMAT score isn’t good enough for a top b school, I would suggest you to read this story. Many things, like professional maturity, and the fit with the school culture, are factors that add up to matter more than the GMAT score for a lot of admissions committees.

Sunu had a GMAT score of just 670. However, he was able to crack Canada’s #1 business school, Rotman.

Read on to know his story.

Sunu’s goals story

There were a couple of problems with Sunu’s goals story.

  1. Firms that hired for his short-term goal, did not hire international students or provide Visas.
  2. His short-term goal had no connection to his past in his goals story and had been abruptly inserted.
  3. He was being too general.

Sunu’s struggle was that he did not understand how to research his target companies and the roles therein. In fact, like most applicants, he did not realize that he needed to carry out the aforementioned research. Applicants have to justify the equation of employability “Past + MBA = Short term + Long Term Goals”. Whereas, Suru’s first approach was, “I think an MBA would be good for my career so let me do it”.

Our solution was providing Sunu with the Management consulting guide, directions for research on target companies and detailed critique of his existing goals document.

Sunu’s essay analysis

We wanted Sunu to have a very specific understanding of what he wanted to do at Rotman. The task was being supplemented by networking exercises with the current students at Rotman, and the alumni. However, Sunu needed to start working on his essays as well.

When answering the essay questions in an MBA application, subtlety can be an important virtue. Our first piece of advice to Sunu was to not go listing the value he could add to the MBA class. Instead, he was supposed to write about his skills and experiences, and let the admissions committee decide how valuable that was to them.

The second piece of advice, or feedback, that Sunu received was to tell his story while answering the question, and not the other way around. This simply meant that answering the question was more of a priority than telling his personal and professional story, although both were important.

Sunu had a strong learning curve, and getting the feedback through to him was a breeze. he would work hard to incorporate our feedback, every time he would receive any, and bring back a much-improved essay. His hard work helped create an amazing result for him.

Sunu got into Rotman, the #1 ranked business school in Canada.

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