How Krish cracked the US Top business school, Tuck?

With just three years of work experience, getting into a top business school like Tuck School of Business is a difficult task. However, Krish overcame his hurdles and got into his dream school with our help.

Here’s his story.

Krish’s goals story

Every top business school claims that they are trying to create industry leaders for tomorrow. And they aren’t wrong. Business schools are very particular about the fact that the students graduating from their schools are effective leaders and professionals that add value to their chosen industry.

Krish did want to be an industry leader, but his idea was to become an entrepreneur right out of business school. nothing wrong with that. But how does one justify entrepreneurship as a short-term goal is the real question? The school would ask you, right away, what have you done thus far that shows that an MBA is necessary for you to become an entrepreneur.

Have you raised capital? Have you had a good business idea? Did you try to get a company started? Krish had done none of this.

Thus, having a short-term goal that led to entrepreneurship as a long-term goal was a better option for Krish. The fortunate thing was that he found his interest in consulting to be strong enough to make it his short-term goal post-MBA.

We knew why Krish had chosen the short-term goal of consulting, his goals story did not even address the subject. He had detailed his transferable skills set, his AHA moment, and his future in consulting, he hadn’t addressed why he had selected consulting, and what problems he was wishing to solve in the world.

The motivation for the short-term and long-term goals” is a crucial part of the goals story. It does two things for your story; first, it adds a personal touch, second, it makes your reasons for pursuing an MBA more authentic.

Thus, mentioning it was pivotal for Krish.

Krish’s essay analysis

Your essays are your first impression for the admissions committee. Everything up to this point would have been very formal.

The school already knew a lot about how Krish had great analytical skills through his resume and letters of recommendation, thus, our focus was on introducing them to Krish the ‘person’ through his essays. So rather than focusing on what his greatest accomplishments were, Krish needed to focus on why they were his greatest accomplishments.

He needed to talk about why a situation was challenging to him and how he overcame that challenge.

Krish’s biggest challenge was to stop being an engineer for his essays. He needed to explain his decisions to laymen and not colleagues who knew all the industry jargon and challenges.

A few drafts and some more feedback later, Krish gave us some rocking essays, that we were sure would get him his dream admit.

Krish’s testimonial

I got in touch with Jatin for MBA applications to two schools in the US. I was keen on small class size programs to get to know my classmates better. Hence, I applied to UCB Haas and Tuck. The two schools are known for very different things – one is seen as a strong consulting school while the other is more entrepreneurship-focused. I had to convince Jatin from Day 1 as to why I chose those schools.

The many conversations I had with Jatin got me thinking about what I wanted to gain from an MBA and which aspects of the schools appealed to me the most. I was from an energy background and I talked to a lot of people, upon Jatin’s continuous insistence, and understood how those schools would help me get into consulting immediately after my MBA. Jatin’s encouragement to reach out to a lot of current students and alumni helped me differentiate my essays.

Jatin always provided me a lot of feedback on how to approach each essay question and also how I could maximize his services. He heavily criticized me and helped me improve my interview skills before I finally appeared for my Tuck interview. Overall, it was very useful working with him on my essays as well as using his other ventures such as Interviewninjas. He played a significant part in my Tuck admit and I highly recommend his services.

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