How a CA got into Rotman’s Top-ranked MBA Program?

After 6 years of working as a CA, Apoorva decided to get an MBA degree to switch her job function. After a few months of back and forth, trying to make a perfect application, we finally created something we and Apoorva were both proud of.

Using that application, Apoorva cracked Rotman’s MBA Program.

Here’s his story.

Apoorva’s goals story

One easy way to get specific for your goals story is to share your future with the school. This was also Apoorva’s first piece of feedback.

Rather than just saying she wanted to be an investment banker, we asked her to tell the school exactly what her job title, roles, and responsibilities would be. From the organization, she would like to be working at, to the types of clients she would be dealing with, Apoorva needed to know the details about everything.

This meant a lot of research on Apoorva’s part. She needed to research the role she wanted to undertake as her short-term goal and the resources at her target schools. Then she would have to connect the two, to come up with a good goal story.

The burden of convincing the admissions committee is on the applicant. If an applicant fails to clearly convey their need for an MBA, no matter how apparent it is by their profile, the admissions committee will reject them.

To avoid such an issue, Apoorva heeded our advice and researched every aspect of her goals story.

Apoorva’s essay analysis

Admissions committee members use the application essays to gauge the applicant’s fit with the school’s brand values. Thus, having an essay that reflects your personality is crucial.

Apoorva had written a factually correct story in her first drafts but missed personal details that would add character to the story. Applicants aren’t just judged on their choice of short-term and long-term goals for their careers. They are also judged on the same in their personal life.

This helps the admissions committee in determining whether the applicant would be able to uphold the school values and be a cultural fit with the rest of the student body.

Another thing that Apoorva’s essay needed to be fixed on was some of the instances she was sharing. When sharing stories in your application essays, make sure not to repeat any of the instances that you have detailed in your resume. Use every space in your MBA application to add to your life story rather than repeating instances.

By the end of the application process, Apoorva’s essays were exactly how we wished them to be, perfect.

The news of Apoorva cracking Rotman came to us as no shock.

She took all our feedback in stride and got into her target school.

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Looking to grow in life by exploring a top tier MBA?