How networking helped Ankit score a McGill admit with a $16,000 scholarship
How networking helped Ankit score a McGill admit with a $16,000 scholarship Ankit came to us with a GMAT score of 690, six-year-long work experience
How networking helped Ankit score a McGill admit with a $16,000 scholarship Ankit came to us with a GMAT score of 690, six-year-long work experience
How Nikita cracked UCLA, Kenan Flagler, and Tepper with scholarships? This one is for all applicants who have a business they wish to come back
How Nishit Cracked a Top 10 US MBA Program with PythaGURUS Nishit’s MBA Journey My MBA journey began four years ago, back in college when
How Nitant made it to the world’s #1 Executive MBA, INSEAD? We have had many applicants ask us if too much work experience is a
How Pallavi received a top US school admit even from an oversaturated pool? Applicants with the engineering background from India often flock to Top US
How Payal Cracked a US Top 10 with 80 Lakhs scholarship? With a 710 on the GMAT, Payal had a profile that could be considered
How Prasad cracked a US Top School USC Marshall? Cracking a two-year program with upwards of 7 years of experience isn’t only difficult but also
How Preet scored a $42,500 scholarship to MIT Sloan Preet had the typical Indian MBA applicant background, 3 years of work experience as an engineer
How Pulkit converted top US school waitlists into admits! Pulkit’s MBA journey to Two top US schools Pulkit came to us after working as an
How Rajat cracked a US Top 25 MBA Program? Rajat was a marine engineer working in operations for the past 7 years. He walked into
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